Three things i want to learn:
1. Biology of coral reefs
2. Anthropogenic causes of coral reef bleaching or death
3. Importance of coral reefs to the marine ecosystem
9th November (Friday) - Day 1

Visit to nuclear plant museum
The tour of the museum allowed me to learn more about nuclear power plants and how they produce energy, while also telling me about the environmental effects of the nuclear power plant on the nearby coral reefs. I am left with an interest to read up about environmental matters regarding nuclear power plants and also the factors affecting the coral reef death.
10th November (Saturday) - Day 2

Visit to the museum. I learnt about the threat of global warming due to coral reefs, and how we could stop global warming. Global warming causes an increase in temperatures, causing coral bleaching, where the algae leaves the coral polyps, causing it to lose its colour and die from a lack of energy.
11th November (Sunday) - Day 3

We conducted SDS-PAGE, also known as Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate - Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis.
We were able to separate the different proteins based on the molecular weight of the object.
The proteins are conferred a negative charge by the SDS. A protein with a larger molecular weight would travel a shorter distance, and a protein with a smaller molecular weight would travel a longer distance.
12th November (Monday) - Day 4

We learnt how to set up an aquarium with to successfully grow corals without them bleaching for a sustainable period of time. Coral reefs require a specific osmolarity, salinity to survive, and a correct balance of salts in the water. We have to also simulate environmental conditions via Blue and white light. We can also remove excess algae by putting fish that eats algae.
13th November (Tuesday) - Day 5

We saw sharks and fish being fed. Then we saw the sharks spitting water as a defensive mechanism
There was shark feeding in the morning and we got to see it take place. The sharks spits out the water as an instinctive reaction.
14th November (Wednesday) - Day 6

We saw the rov being lowered into the water and we even got to pilot it. Using advanced electronics, we are able to use an rov, an underwater drone to navigate underwater to view corals. We can view coral reefs underwater and see the underwater biodiversity. We can even check out the Coral species underwater.
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