This picture shows the gas vent where fire is emitted from the ground. I am not too sure of how the fire is created and so I will do some research on it. But first, I would need to answer the question on what exactly is fire. Is it matter? And so, after I have researched, I would then be able to apply the concept of fire in other situations.
Day 2 (10 Nov 2018 ):

This is a picture that I took of the coral when blue light is shone on it through the yellow lens. Some parts of the coral lits up due to bio luminance but I realised only a few parts of the coral is lit instead of the entire thing. So I will research on why bio luminance occur to only certain parts of the coral and from there I will be able to apply it by sharing about bio luminance using corals as an example to other people
Day 3 (11 Nov 2018):

This is the failed result of the Purification of Symbiodinium & Host epidermal cell experiment. Instead of dividing into 3 layers with intact host cells, Symbiodinium, and nematocysts with Symbiodinium and other debris, everything was lumped together at the bottom. This failure was probably due to a mistake in the separation of the host and the symbiodinium. This failure shows me that despite having help from the lecturers and having notes, there is still a chance of making a mistake in the experiment. From this, I learnt that we cannot take additional help for granted and we must be very cautious when conducting an experiment to get the best and most accurate results.
Day 4 (12 Nov 2018):

This is the experimental set-up of one of the lab staff who started on an experiment related to microplastic. Other than the fact that she was also our guide at the national park, what struck me the most was how clear and precise she was about every little detail of her experiment. This led to very clear results obtained. During the entire time I was in the research lab, I was just really amazed by how clean and easy the set up is to understand it, and so I will also try to keep my project set up clean and easy to understand so that it would be easier to write up the report.
Day 5 (13 Nov 2018):

This is a picture of a clownfish in an anemone. When taking this photo, the guide told us that in an anemone, the first clownfish becomes male, the second becomes female and the rest had no gender. When I heard this, I was very shocked as I had never known about this fact. The guide continued by saying that groupers also go through this process of changing gender. From this, I have realised how shallow my knowledge of marine life is and thus spurs me on to research and find out more about marine life.
Day 6 (14 Nov 2018):

This is a picture on the information of the sea turtle in the museum. When the guide was introducing the sea turtle to us, I learnt that sea turtles do not hide in their shells as they do not have many predators. To me, this piece of information was very surprising as it was unlike their close counterparts - the land turtles. This made me think of what differences between the 2 species could cause the 2 species to have the difference (hiding and not hiding). So far, I have only thought of the fact that unlike land turtles, sea turtles are very strong and huge in the living environment. However, I will still go on to do proper research to come up with a solid explanation for these differences. This inspires me to research on the differences between the two species and find what causes these differences.
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