I found it interesting how the nuclear power plant museum which made emphasis on symbiotic relationships between ocean-dwelling organisms in the ocean near the power had a fish-tank with a miniature coral reef complete with its own sea anemone and clownfish which was a prime example of a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship. They were able to replicate it in a small controlled environment which allowed it to be observed easily. A good way to apply this would be to have a controlled environment with 2 organisms engaged in a symbiotic relationship with external factors added into this environment to test how it would affect the on-going symbiotic relationship.
Day 2:
I loved how there was a change of pace from continuous visits to museums and lectures as well as how we were able to be put it the environments we were taught about. Learning through observation and experience helped enhance my learning experience as well as capture my attention. When possible, immersion into learning should be encouraged as we should make use of all our senses in learning.
Day 3:
Although it took a long time to get a clear shot of the night sky with stars visible, it was rather worth it as not only did we manage to get a nice photo, but we also came a step closer to mastery in astrophotography. It was hard at first due to many lamp posts in the area as well as a cloudy sky which not only obscure our view, but also distorted the pictures that were taken. As a result, we ended up staying later than planned until early 00.30 in the morning we were finally able to get such a clear shot. From this, I can learn that not only is patience needed for the desired results, but also the willpower to keep on going.
Day 4:
I found it rather fun and interesting to take walk on the beach during low tide as we had sat through a lecture about how to analyze and identify coral samples and I was excited about being able to put such knowledge to use. I also managed to see the process of the tide gradually rising and was glad that I was able to observe the tide coming in which can be associated with astronomy as high tides and low tides are caused by the moon’s gravitational pull(AKA tidal force) this causes a “bulge” on the sides closest and farthest from the moon on earth and its seas which are the high tides. A key takeaway would be that using this information, I could observe when the high tides come in and image the moon using the CCD camera or Astrophotography camera if the sky is dark enough for the moon to be seen.
Day 5:
I was excited to be able to go to the prehistoric section of the waters of the world as it showed how organisms first appeared on earth and how it evolved into creatures of great complexity such as ourselves. It was a great experience for me as personally, I feel that the theory of evolution is the best explanation as to how creatures on this earth appeared. It also taught me that the world is constantly changing in many ways, some could even kill you in an instant and that we must constantly improve and adapt in order to survive.
Day 6:
I was glad to have been able to try out and see the ROV used by the research team to conduct ocean research missions as it was one of the rare occasions that I managed to see the use of technology directly used for environmental conservation efforts. It was also amazing to be able to see such a complex machine in action and be able to try it out for myself. From this experience, I can learn that technology should be used for the betterment of society and the world we live in and should not be used to cause destruction.
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