The earthquake simulator where we sat down and experienced how magnitude 1, 3 and 5 was interesting. I experienced it in Japan too. However, in Japan, I had to get through the simulation as though it was a real earthquake, such as hiding under the table with cushions. By not acting out what we were supposed to do today, I felt weird and unprepared. It made me realise that application is important. It is not only enough to know what to do, we have to actually do it.
Taiwan Reflection Day 2, 10 Nov 18
This is a picture taken at the visitor centre. The plant in the picture is an invasive species in Taiwan. The guide explained that the plant as able to eject toxins through its roots into the soil. This causes the surrounding plants to die and thus the plant is able to occupy more space. The guide also mentioned that the plant has been seen covering mountains. This is a problem that they are trying to solve as it reduces diversity of flora in Taiwan. Factors, in this case is the invasive species, affect our surroundings.
Taiwan Reflection Day 3, 11 Nov 18
My picture is of the projected desktop. On it is a picture of a scanned chromatography paper which is uploaded on “ImageJ”, an app which processes and analyses the chromatography. There were a lot of instructions given at once and I got really confused. All I knew was that the app was able to plot graphs based on the dots. It measured the concentration of the proteins. I decided that I’ll try to figure it out by playing around with it. I finally managed to plot the graph and realised it was not much to be confused of. From this, I learnt that it is always important to try by yourself first. of course asking an adult is important too, but being able to figure it out by yourself give you a greater sense of accomplishment.
Taiwan Reflection Day 4, 12 Nov 18
My picture is of the first activity my group did at the husbandry. I chose this picture as I never realised how much detail and attention was needed in growing corals, such as the parameters and water quality. I learnt that having attention to detail is important.
Taiwan Reflection Day 5, 13 Nov 18
This is a picture of a beluga whale, which I kept calling a narwhal. When I saw it, I got really fascinated by it and started to wonder more about it. Belugas are also called white whales, and their unusual color makes them one of the most familiar and easily distinguishable of all the whales. White whales are smallish, ranging from 13 to 20 feet in length. They have rounded foreheads and no dorsal fin. These whales are common in the Arctic Ocean's coastal waters, though they are found in subarctic waters. Beluga feed on fish, crustaceans, and worms. The whale is related to the tusked “unicorn” whale known as the narwhal. I found it really cute and this ignited my curiosity and thus I got more interested in finding more out about it. My cultivating my sense of curiosity, it will allow me to gain more knowledge.
Taiwan Reflection Day 6, 14 Nov 18
Dedication. This is inferred from the dismantling of the ROV machine. It is definitely a chore to keep dismantling and reassembling the ROV in risk of it getting rusty. Those who are in charge of it, although might have salaries, they definitely need the dedication to do everything they are doing now.
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